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. This region corresponds to a differential voltage range of ±600 mV/GAIN with. VREF = 1.2V. The maximum differential voltage is proportional to the. VREF voltage. The maximum ? 0 ? ? ? 0 ? Frequency. Content. ANALOG. DIGITAL. Page 19. © 2006-2012 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22025C-page 19. MCP3909. 4.2. Analog Inputs. /or prior to designing the Product into a system, users or any third party should obtain the latest version of the relevant information to verify that the information being relied upon is by S Boyd · 2018 · Cited by 146 — on the left of the left-hand equation is addition of scalars, while the + symbol on the right of the left-hand equation denotes matrix addition. On the left side of the right-hand equation we 2 If the PV display exceeds before 5% over-range is reached, an over-range indication is given. 3. Indicators will allow up to 10% under-range on non-zero based Linear ranges. If the a mm b mm c mm d mm e mm. For standard cut-out size 24. KDL/D 24/12. 87141010. 18.00. 148.00. 58.00. 112.00. 36.00. 65.00. 16.00. 5.50. KDL/D 24 RIGHTS RESERVED. (C) COPYRIGHT -. BY TYCO ELECTRONICS CORPORATION. REVISIONS. Loc. TDIST no 147. LTR. DESCRIPTION. DATE. DWN. APYD. P LTR |. | |F3
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